Wednesday, March 31, 2004
On Vision

Neil Armstrong, the reclusive astronaut who endorses nothing, emphatically endorsed President Bush's call for a moon base and missions to Mars. Before Mr. Bush announced his vision for space exploration, Discover magazine asked Dr. Alan Stern, Director of the Southwest Research Institute why we weren't doing more manned exploration in space. "The political will hasn't been there," he replied, "and it's so unfortunate. I think human beings really are explorers at heart. The planets are the obvious next frontiers for human exploration. There's no reason that we shouldn't have a significant number of people living and working on the moon, doing geological studies of asteroids, and pioneering the path to Mars. The technology is well in hand... To be a great nation in the 21st century, the United States needs to explore the space frontier. "
This is not an isolated viewpoint in the scientific world. Besides, researchers have been grousing for years about the paltry science you're able to do on the Space Shuttle and Station. Then, of course, George W. Bush proposes what a lot of scientists already say we should be doing and suddenly it's the stupidest idea in history. At least according to the newspapers. Does this tell you anything?
Exploring the Moon and Mars is what we should do, what we need to do. As Dave Scott said when he first pressed his boot into the grey lunar powder as commander of Apollo 15 -- the coolest of all the moon missions -- "Man must explore." The human spirit needs to, yearns to go to the Moon, to Mars, to leave the solar system and personally examine the universe that spawned it. Over the past 30 years we've stagnated, turned inward, sat self-indulgently navel-gazing here on our little, blue planet. President Bush is correct: the time for hiding in our room is over. It's time to go back outside and play.