Friday, March 26, 2004
On 9/11 Hearings (Reprise)

I take back half of what I said. The President, Dr. Rice, and anybody else involved ought to testify in public about the 9/11 attacks -- but not before the 9/11 Commission. A panel of reputable citizens is a fine idea, but these guys aren't it. They are for the most part hack partisans playing gotcha' politics.
Let's put together a committee of 9 regular people from towns across the country: Bankers, barbers, police, airline pilots, doctors. Divide them between parties, give them an investigatory staff and complete subpoena power, and let everyone involved with this from the Clinton and Bush administrations come before them and tell their story. Keep the press and the politicians away. Let the common people quiz their leaders.
"Oh, but they'll ask only softball questions!" No, they'll ask the questions we really are asking. We don't need political sharpies; we need citizens more concerned with their country than with promoting a party.